Teaching Catholic Kids
- In addition to providing other great catechetical resources for youth, this site also offers some good tips for engaging children in Mass and Eucharistic adoration.
Guided Children's Adoration.com
- This site has a number of great resources and tips related to youth and both Mass and adoration
- Check out their special page on the Mass and their cool "Encountering God at Mass: Mass Cards"
- Also, you will find a page devoted to the Eucharist and children with special needs
Look to Him and Be Radiant
- This site provides printable resources to engage children in adoration and deeper devotion to Christ's presence in the Eucharist
Catechist's Journey
- This fantastic site offers excellent catechetical resources for youth. The page linked here offers some great advice on how to speak to children of various ages about the Eucharistic and adoration and how to do this well.
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed (Ascension Press, 2015)
Altaration addresses head-on one of the biggest problems we all face: how do we get Catholic teens to appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the Mass…and to actually look forward to attending and participating?
This five session series uses videos and a workbook to help teens see the Mass in a new way. The goal of Altaration is not to fill teens’ heads with information but to pierce their hearts with transformation.
Sophia SketchPad: The Eucharist
This video focuses on the Eucharist, explaining the connection between Original Sin, Christ’s death and Resurrection, and the Holy Mass. Viewing guide and other teacher resources are available at SophiaSketchPad.org
On the Road to Emmaus (Outside Da Box)
- Check out this 7 minute video created specifically for youth.
Busted Halo.com - Videos for Youth
Sacraments 101: Eucharist (How We Receive) - Busted Halo (4:45)
Sacraments 201: Eucharist (What We Believe) - Busted Halo (9:18)
The Eucharist: Decision Point (Dynamic Catholic)
Intro - The Epidemic (8:50)
1 - The One Thing (5:15)
2 - The True Presence (5:10)
3 - The Power of the Eucharist (3:00)
4 - Get Close and Stay Close (4:50)
5 - Decision Point (3:15)