La Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleáns ha hecho muchos esfuerzos para explicar el concepto de la mayordomía a los Católicos. ¿Pudiera hablar de lo que es la mayordomía?
The Archdiocese of New Orleans was blessed on Saturday as Archbishop Gregory Aymond ordained seven men as transitional deacons, the final step before ordination to the priesthood.
One of the most difficult things about being a spouse is the fact that love cannot really be love unless it expects nothing in return. No one wants to say it out loud, but when we offer ourselves (our gifts, our time, our energy) to our spouses, it’s usually with the hope that we will get something out of it.
All parish clergy, religious and laity responsible for communicating the good work of parish life are invited to join us for the 2nd annual Parish Communicators Workshop!
Tuvo el difícil deber de celebrar la Misa fúnebre la semana pasada para el Padre John Arnone, que murió a la edad de 49 años. ¿Cuáles fueron sus sentimientos?
Spiritual giants throughout the centuries and in our present day agree that God acts in the soul that is at peace. But modern life seems to be hell-bent on keeping us plugged in, stressed out, and too exhausted to even think about how to be more at peace.
Teaching high school boys for almost ten years, this was a question I got quite regularly. It is a very human question. Naturally, when the topic of Heaven comes up, we want to know what it’s going to be like.
Loving God, we thank you for the love of the mothers you have given us, Whose love is so precious that it can never be measured, whose patience seems to have no end.
El verano está casi aquí, lo que en Nueva Orleáns por lo general significa, vestirse aún más casual que en otras épocas del año. Sé que el tema de la vestimenta para la Iglesia es muy sensible, especialmente en un área donde hace calor nueve meses al año. ¿Cuál es su perspectiva sobre, cómo la gente debe vestirse para la Misa?
Please join us on May 12th from 6-9:30pm in Slidell to learn more about this renewal of marriage preparation, Witness to Love and see what it can do for your parish.
I really want my children to learn how to be humble souls, especially in a culture that seems obsessed with pride, but I know that the greatest way I can teach them to grow in this magnificent virtue is to exhibit humility in a profound way myself.
How pleased were you that the Louisiana Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-1 last week to ask the entire Senate to debate a bill that would repeal the state’s death penalty?