Did you know that there are 5 active African American Bishops in the United States? Also, did you know that 2 serve here in the state of Louisiana? Our own Bishop Fernand Cheri, III and Bishop Shelton Fabre of the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux. Learn more at https://www.usccb.org/committees/african-american-affairs/african-american-bishops
On this day in 1882, Mother Mary Lange, one of the 6 African Americans on the road to Canonization, died in Baltimore, MD learn more about her at https://www.motherlange.org/mother-lange
Did you know that there is a national gathering of Black Catholics every 5 years known as the National Black Catholic Congress? The Archdiocese of New Orleans hosted one in 1992. The next one will be held in the Summer of 2023 in Washington, DC. Learn more at www.nbccongress.org
Did you know that our own Xavier University of Louisiana is the only Catholic HBCU (Historically Black College or University) in the country? Also, did you know that it is the only Catholic University founded by a Saint – St. Katharine Drexel of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament? She also founded several other schools in the area, including Xavier Preparatory High School, presently known as St. Katharine Drexel Prep. Learn more about Xavier University of Louisiana at https://www.xula.edu/about/the-full-story.html
Did you know that Dr. Norman C. Francis was the first Black and first lay president of Xavier University of Louisiana? He is also listed as one of the longest serving university presidents in the country due to his term of 47 years at Xavier. Learn more about Dr. Francis’s accomplishments at https://www.thehistorymakers.org/biography/norman-francis-39
Did you know the foundress of our own Sisters of the Holy Family, Venerable Mother Henriette Delille is one of the 6 African Americans on the road to Canonization? The Sisters also created and run St. Mary’s Academy. Learn more about her and the Sisters at https://www.sistersoftheholyfamily.com/history
Did you know that the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary is one of the largest lay Catholic organizations in the world? They were founded in 1909 in Mobile, AL and their international headquarters is located here in New Orleans. Learn more about them at https://www.kofpc.org/history.php
Did you know that St. Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart, more commonly known as the Josephites, have ministered to the Black Catholic community around the country since 1871? They are the founders of our own St. Augustine High School. Learn more about the Josephites at https://www.josephitevocations.com/our-history
Did you know that the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana has trained people for service in, and from, the Black Catholic community for over 40 years? Learn more about IBCS, and its upcoming Summer session at https://www.xula.edu/ibcs/
Did you know that Homer Plessy, the civil rights leader and plaintiff in the Supreme Court case known as Plessy vs. Ferguson, was a parishioner at St. Augustine Catholic Church here in New Orleans? He was recently pardoned, after 125 years, posthumously by the Governor of Louisiana. Learn more at https://www.ktsm.com/news/national/governor-to-pardon-plessy-of-separate-but-equal-ruling/
Did you know that in 2015 the African American Catholic Youth Bible was published as a resource to educate and evangelize from a Black Catholic perspective? Several people from our own Archdiocese were contributors to this project. Learn more at https://www.smp.org/product/4146/The-African-American-Catholic-Youth-Bible/
Did you know that the Church does not have an African American Catholic Saint from the continental United States? There are six presently on the road to Canonization, including Venerable Mother Henriette Delille from New Orleans. Learn more about these 6 men and women at https://nolacatholic.org/road-to-sainthood
Did you know that there has always been a strong Black Catholic presence in the Archdiocese of New Orleans since its founding? You can learn more about our Black Catholic parishes and schools at https://nolacatholic.org/parishes-and-schools
Did you know that the Catholic Church elevated its first African American Cardinal in 2020 with the elevation of Cardinal Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington? Learn more about Cardinal Gregory at https://adw.org/about-us/who-we-are/cardinal-gregory/
Did you know that our own Bishop Harold Perry was the first African American Catholic Bishop of modern times when he was ordained at St. Louis Cathedral in 1965? Despite the racial tension of the time, he was an outspoken advocate for racial justice throughout the country. Learn more about Bishop Perry at https://www.teachingcatholickids.com/bishop-harold-perry/
Did you know that Sr. Thea Bowman, one of the 6 African-Americans on the road to Canonization, used to minister here in New Orleans. This included her teaching at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana. Sr. Thea also spoke about Black Catholicism to the USCCB in 1989. You can watch this address at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOV0nQkjuoA
Did you know that the Black and Indian Mission Office was founded in 1884 via the ministry of St. Katharine Drexel? The office still supports ministries around the country that work with Native American and Black populations. Learn more about this ministry at https://blackandindianmission.org/
Did you know that our Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop Fernand Cheri III, was born and raised here in New Orleans and has varied ministry experiences around the world? Learn more about our Auxiliary Bishop, one of 5 active African American Bishops in the United States, at https://nolacatholic.org/people/most-reverend-fernand-j-cheri